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Fuyun (Guangzhou) bags and Luggage Co.,Ltd.
We are a China factory producing laptop bags, laptop sleeves, diaper bags, lady fashin bags, tote bags,lunch bags, and other bags.
Here we have about 300 workers, only producing the bag products and pets products.
all our goods shipping to US and Europe marekt.
We are a China factory producing laptop bags, laptop sleeves, diaper bags, lady fashin bags, tote bags,lunch bags, and other bags.
Here we have about 300 workers, only producing the bag products and pets products.
all our goods shipping to US and Europe marekt.
Wanchenghui Bags and Pets products Co.,Ltd
This factory is produced the bags products and pet products mainly, including bags and car seat covers, pet bags, pet bed, pet straps and other pet accessories. , with 350 workers here and focus on backpacks, lady bags, ect.
This factory is produced the bags products and pet products mainly, including bags and car seat covers, pet bags, pet bed, pet straps and other pet accessories. , with 350 workers here and focus on backpacks, lady bags, ect.